Emma has been my best friend for 8/9 years.Emma has two dogs and loves writing and animals.
When emma grows up she wants to be a vet.
JAsmine has been my friend for 1/2 years.Jasmine has two budgies called James and Clara and loves maths.
When jasmine grows up she wants to be a vet or zoo keeper.
Elena has been my friend for 5/6 years.Elena wants a bunny and loves books and basketball.
When elena grows up she wants to be a taste tester.
Anne has been my friend for 5/6 years.Anne wants a puppy and a kitten,loves books and goes to the same library as me.When anne grows up she wants to be an actress.
Cincillia has been my friend for 3/4 years.Cincillia wants a dinasour and loves icarly.When cincillia grows up she wants to be an astronamer